WOMAD Foundation Training and Professional Development Bursaries for Artists and Festival Production Crew

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts and entertainment industry has been devastating. Thousands of self-employed people all over the world lost all work for the foreseeable future almost overnight.
Many WOMAD crew have worked with us for decades, many of our artists scrape a living touring the world for minimum return. There is some hope that there might be government support for our industry and its workforce, but this now seems increasingly unlikely.
At WOMAD we want to do something positive for the unsung heroes of the sector and so, through the WOMAD Foundation, we have launched a training bursary scheme, for the artists and crew who make what we all enjoy possible, and to help them transfer their considerable skills into other industries.
Please make a donation and invest in protecting the futures of the people who themselves have invested their lives in making events like WOMAD such an important part of society. #wemakeevents
Supporting Oxfam’s Coronavirus

Oxfam has been working in partnership with the WOMAD Festival since 2004. Together we’ve been able to make world-changing work happen – and right now we need to be more united than ever.
If you’re celebrating WOMAD at Home with us, it’s free to join. But please consider a donation instead. Right now, coronavirus is starting to spread through the most vulnerable communities in the world and you can help families protect themselves.
£20 could buy life-saving hygiene kits for displaced families to stop the spread of disease.
£60 could train and equip five hygiene promotors in refugee camps.
£100 could provide enough basic PPE (personal protective equipment) for one frontline health worker for four months.